Sunday, 12 September 2010

The Castle Sahara

An old Essaouirian legend tells of a majestic castle in the sand. It grew up from humble beginnings: a bridge, a simple sand wall, a moat. Over time more and more was added to the Castle Sahara; mighty towers of sand overlooking the surrounding dunes, an enourmous impenatrable keep with walls inches thick and a vast surrounding wall over 6 centimetres high. But the people of Castle Sahara had no water. After much deliberation the people of the town decided to build a holy sanctuary close to the castle. They hoped this structure would earn them god's favour. He answered their call and sent two mighty giants to the castle. Using nothing but their enourmous hands and feet they dug a ravine henceforth known as the Mighty Gorge of Akabar. The occupants of the castle waited for the gorge to fill with water. However, the Mighty Gorge of Akabar was many metres in length and would take some hours to fill. Raiders on horses, camals, bikes and quadbikes all attacked the Mighty Gorge of Akabar but the giants stood loyal repairing the damage after each attack. Slowly the water crept up the Mighty Gorge of Akabar and finally the joyous day that had been waited and prayed for; for so long arrived, the moat and reservoir of Castle Sahara filled with water. But god had not sent the giants to save the city because the water did not stop, cutting deep into the sand upon which the city was built. Sheltering inside the holy sanctuary the citizens of Castle Sahara watched in horror as the mighty towers and walls crumbled. Their screams could be heard for minutes across the dunes as the water finally dissolved their once imposing home.

The end.
By Ross.

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