Saturday, 29 January 2011

new beginnings

Return of the blog.


In a matter of a mere 50 hours Ross and I will be boarding a plane and once again heading off to explore the wide and wonderous world. After a delightful 17 and a half hour trip and we will be deposited in Phoenix. Arizona. United States of America. So how did we get to this point from our last blog entry...

Well there was the small matter of the boat accident then the recovery from that, the engagement, the return to freezing cold Blighty, Christmas, a trip to Glasgow and somewhere in all of that the realisation that we hadn't had enough of holidaying and had definitely had enough of daytime tv. After an excited discussion with a young Samantha a trip to the States won the day against a sojourn in India and somehow that trip ended up with a surprising amount of livestock involved. So we shall be in Arizona and then in New Mexico and then in Texas working on organic farms for the next couple of months before heading up to Chicago with the aforementioned Sam and the delightful Amy and from there to the wilds of Toronto.  

We hope to update the blog while away but have no idea how much internet access there will be while we are on the farms, which will be most of February and March. When you do hear from us expect tails of llama birth, goat's cheese and Pie Towns.
